UNVEIL the wisdom of the classics.
CULTIVATE your mind and skills.
GROW in your faith and character.

What is The Daniel Project?

The Daniel Project is a liberal arts program with a Classical Christian perspective, combined with a nationally recognised Certificate IV.

Why was it developed?

The Daniel Project addresses a specific challenge:

  • How can we develop, disciple and prepare young people for entering the university and work world?
  • How can we best equip particularly middle to upper high school students to not just survive post-school life in our modern-day Babylons, but to actually flourish and influence the world for good?

Program goals

  • Engagement with history: students will embark on a journey through the ages, elevating their understanding of the world’s greatest thinkers and ideas.
  • Rigorous learning: the program emphasises rigorous learning, dialogue, and debate.
  • Biblical inspiration: Daniel was faithful to God, flourished in leadership and influenced the world for good. Wherever God places you, The Daniel Project will encourage you to do the same.

A challenging curriculum…

This program is not for the faint-hearted. It covers challenging content, including the actions, thoughts, and behaviours of both ancient (and modern!) pagans, which can be quite intimidating and often depraved.

While we will engage with texts and ideas from a Christian and biblical worldview, we will still necessarily cover content which in all likelihood would make your grandma blush – and not without reason.

Rather than indulging and leering at such things, we take on the attitude of Paul the Apostle:

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them (Ephesians 5:11)

We want to bring all things into the light and learn how to discern truth from fiction, beauty from that which is ugly and deformed, and good from evil. In short, to learn to be, in the words of Jesus,

wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16)

to live wise and noble lives in line with the design plans of the Creator.

…for a distorted age

In an era where truth, beauty, and goodness are often distorted, The Daniel Project aims to reclaim and proclaim the real essence of these values.

The Daniel Project is dedicated to developing young people who can navigate the complexities of modern life with wisdom, integrity and a positive influence on the world around them.

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)


This program is not for the faint hearted. You will need to be willing to learn, listen, disagree, be offended, in a spirit of discovery and hearty goodwill…